The Kerbal Rocketry Challenge
The Kerbal Rocketry Challenge is back in 2021 for its second year! We’re excited to again partner with Private Division, publishers of the hit astrophysics and aerospace video game, Kerbal Space Program, to bring you a new virtual contest with $4,500 in prizes.
Working virtually in Kerbal Space Program, you and your team will be taking on the role of managers of a newly commissioned aerospace firm that is tasked with a special mission. Last year, you planted a flag on the Moon. This year, we’re taking it a step further and asking you to create a self-sustaining Mun base.
2021 Kerbal Rocketry Challenge

The in-person 2021 competition may be over, but the competition continued online with the second annual Kerbal Rocketry Challenge! Students competed for over $4,500 in prizes.
Working virtually in Kerbal Space Program, teams took on the role of managers of a newly commissioned aerospace firm tasked with a special mission. In 2020, we asked teams to plant a flag on the Moon. In 2021, we tasked students with creating a self-sustaining Mun base complete with housing for astronauts and a resource production module. Special thanks again to Private Division, publishers of the hit astrophysics and aerospace video game, Kerbal Space Program.
All students currently registered for the 2021 American Rocketry Challenge received a free copy of Kerbal Space Program. That’s right! We’re gave our students a FREE video game to compete in this competition.

Winners of the Kerbal Rocketry Challenge Announced
The winners have been announced for the 2021 Kerbal Rocketry Challenge. We saw incredible creativity and innovation in this year’s entries and we hope you had a blast during the challenge. Check out the link below to see the winning entries