With less than a month until the Final Flyoff, check out of the teams looking to be this year’s Team America Rocketry Challenge champion!
Tharptown High School, Russellville, AL
Years Competed: 2
Fun Fact: “We have an awesome team. We are made up of three 8th graders and one ninth grader. We were 2nd place in a local rocketry competition. Our mentor is Andrew Heath (former member of Russellville High School’s TARC team that won internationals). Andrew is also scheduled to do a commemorative Apollo 11 launch at this year’s national competition.”
Rocketeers of The Fourth Reality
Maharishi School, Fairfield, Iowa
Years Competed: 2
Fun Fact: We’re an all girls team who placed 10th at TARC 2018 National Finals. 3/4 of our team are international students, from Hungary, India and China. We make custom Rocket Parts via 3D printing, and our team has aspiring astrophysicists, artists, and engineers.
Be sure to check out their @RocketContest Instagram takeover!
Space Slugs
Santa Cruz, CA
Years Competed: Captain – 4 years, 2 members – 2 years, 1 member – Rookie
Fun Fact: During last year’s competition, when they came in 15th, they stowed a lucky tic tac in their rocket during the final fly off.
Team Rocket DC and Beyond
Community Home Education Program, Tustin, California
Years Competed: 1
Fun Fact: We are all in 7th grade
Team Ballistic Mk II
The Vanguard School, Colorado Springs, CO
Years Competed: The school has fielded teams each year of the competition.
Fun Fact: The team uses a series of computer-controlled auxiliary motors to precisely hit the target altitude. The on-board computer monitors each flight and ad hoc selects the right combination of aux motors to give it just enough extra thrust.